Deploying OpenShift on AWS bringing Your Own Infrastructure
This section describes how-to guides with quickly snippets/commands
to exercise the bring your own infrastructure (BYO) variants when deploying
an OpenShift cluster on AWS using openshift-install
For more information about OpenShift install, check the official documentation
- Prerequisites
- install awscli
- install openshift-install
- yq4
- Choose and Deploy your BYO infrastructure
- BYO subnet on AWS Local Zones
- BYO subnet on AWS Wavelength
- BYO Public IPv4 Pool (TODO)
- BYO VPC with multi-CIDR blocks (TODO)
- BYO VPC with multi-subnets in same zone (TODO)
- BYO Security Group (TODO)
- BYO Infra for private deployments (TODO)
- Create the install-config.yaml
- Base install-config
- Patch the configuration to BYO infra
- BYO subnet on AWS Local Zones
- BYO subnet on AWS Wavelength
- BYO VPC with multi-subnets in same zone
- Deploy OpenShift cluster on AWS
- Export environment variables used in the cluster:
export CLUSTER_NAME="byo-aws" export CLUSTER_BASEDOMAIN="" export PULL_SECRET_PATH="$HOME/.openshift/pull-secret-latest.json" export SSH_KEYS="$(cat ~/.ssh/" export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 export INSTALL_DIR="${PWD}/${CLUSTER_NAME}" # Source and version URL to download the CloudFormation templates export TEMPLATES_BASE= export TEMPLATES_VERSION=master export TEMPLATES_PATH=upi/aws/cloudformation # Alternatively you can use SPLAT lab templates, uncomment to enable it #TEMPLATES_BASE= #TEMPLATES_VERSION=main #TEMPLATES_PATH=installer-upi/aws/cloudformation/templates TEMPLATE_URL=${TEMPLATES_BASE}/${TEMPLATES_VERSION}/${TEMPLATES_PATH} TEMPLATES=() function download_cloudformation_templates() { echo "Downloading Required CloudFormation Templates: ${TEMPLATES[*]}" for TEMPLATE in "${TEMPLATES[@]}"; do echo "Downloading ${TEMPLATE}" wget -O ${INSTALL_DIR}/${TEMPLATE} "${TEMPLATE_URL}/${TEMPLATE}" done } export -f download_cloudformation_templates mkdir -vp ${INSTALL_DIR}
- Install
- Install
v2 - Install
Choose and Deploy your BYO infrastructure
Create the network (VPC, subnets, Route Tables, gateways, etc):
# Download the CloudFormation Templates
TEMPLATES=( "01_vpc.yaml" )
# Append the the parameter InfrastructureName if you are using the SPLAT's repo version:
# ParameterKey=InfrastructureName,ParameterValue=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name ${STACK_VPC} \
--template-body file://${INSTALL_DIR}/template-vpc.yaml \
--parameters \
ParameterKey=VpcCidr,ParameterValue="" \
ParameterKey=AvailabilityZoneCount,ParameterValue=3 \
aws cloudformation wait stack-create-complete --stack-name ${STACK_VPC}
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_VPC}
BYO subnet on AWS Local Zones
Steps to create subnets on Local Zone in New York location (us-east-1-nyc-1a
- enable the zone group
- create the subnet in the Local Zone
# Adjust to yours export AZ_NAME="us-east-1-nyc-1a" export SUBNET_CIDR_PUB="" export SUBNET_CIDR_PVT="" ## Hands on # enable zone group AZ_SUFFIX=$(echo ${AZ_NAME/${CLUSTER_REGION}-/}) ZONE_GROUP_NAME=$(aws ec2 describe-availability-zones \ --filters Name=zone-name,Values=$AZ_NAME \ | jq -r .AvailabilityZones[].GroupName) ZONE_GROUP_STATUS=$(aws ec2 describe-availability-zones \ --filters Name=zone-name,Values=$AZ_NAME \ | jq -r .AvailabilityZones[].OptInStatus) # Enable only when not opted-in to prevent errors test ${ZONE_GROUP_STATUS} == "opted-in" || { aws ec2 modify-availability-zone-group \ --group-name "${ZONE_GROUP_NAME}" \ --opt-in-status opted-in; sleep 20; } # Export the VPC ID export VPC_ID=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name ${STACK_VPC} \ | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[] | select(.OutputKey=="VpcId").OutputValue' ) # Export Route Table IDs (Public and Private) export ROUTE_TABLE_PUB=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name ${STACK_VPC} \ | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[] | select(.OutputKey=="PublicRouteTableId").OutputValue') #> Select the first route table from the list export ROUTE_TABLE_PVT=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name ${STACK_VPC} \ | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[] | select(.OutputKey=="PrivateRouteTableIds").OutputValue | split(",")[0] | split("=")[1]') # Create public and private subnet in Local Zones # Download the CloudFormation Templates TEMPLATES+=( "01_vpc_99_subnet.yaml" ) download_cloudformation_templates TEMPLATE_NAME_SUBNET="${INSTALL_DIR}/01_vpc_99_subnet.yaml" export STACK_SUBNET=${CLUSTER_NAME}-subnets-${AZ_SUFFIX} aws cloudformation create-stack \ --stack-name ${STACK_SUBNET} \ --template-body file://$TEMPLATE_NAME_SUBNET \ --parameters \ ParameterKey=VpcId,ParameterValue="${VPC_ID}" \ ParameterKey=ClusterName,ParameterValue="${CLUSTER_NAME}" \ ParameterKey=ZoneName,ParameterValue="${AZ_NAME}" \ ParameterKey=PublicRouteTableId,ParameterValue="${ROUTE_TABLE_PUB}" \ ParameterKey=PublicSubnetCidr,ParameterValue="${SUBNET_CIDR_PUB}" \ ParameterKey=PrivateRouteTableId,ParameterValue="${ROUTE_TABLE_PVT}" \ ParameterKey=PrivateSubnetCidr,ParameterValue="${SUBNET_CIDR_PVT}" aws cloudformation wait stack-create-complete --stack-name ${STACK_SUBNET} aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_SUBNET}
BYO subnet on AWS Wavelentth Zones
Steps to create subnets on Wavelength Zone in New York location (us-east-1-wl1-nyc-wlz-1
- enable the zone group
- create the AWS VPC Carrier Gateway
- create the subnet in the Wavelength Zone, with public subnet associated to the route table with default route to Carrier Gateway
# Adapt to yours export AZ_NAME="us-east-1-wl1-nyc-wlz-1" export SUBNET_CIDR_PUB="" export SUBNET_CIDR_PVT="" ## Hands on # enable zone group AZ_SUFFIX=$(echo ${AZ_NAME/${CLUSTER_REGION}-/}) ZONE_GROUP_NAME=$(aws ec2 describe-availability-zones \ --filters Name=zone-name,Values=$AZ_NAME \ | jq -r .AvailabilityZones[].GroupName) ZONE_GROUP_STATUS=$(aws ec2 describe-availability-zones \ --filters Name=zone-name,Values=$AZ_NAME \ | jq -r .AvailabilityZones[].OptInStatus) # Enable only when not opted-in to prevent errors test ${ZONE_GROUP_STATUS} == "opted-in" || { aws ec2 modify-availability-zone-group \ --group-name "${ZONE_GROUP_NAME}" \ --opt-in-status opted-in; sleep 20; } # Create the Carrier Gateway and 'edge' route table # Download the CloudFormation Templates TEMPLATE_NAME_CARRIER_GW=01_vpc_01_carrier_gateway.yaml TEMPLATE_NAME_SUBNET=01_vpc_99_subnet.yaml TEMPLATES+=( "${TEMPLATE_NAME_CARRIER_GW}" ) TEMPLATES+=( "${TEMPLATE_NAME_SUBNET}" ) download_cloudformation_templates # Export the VPC ID export VPC_ID=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name ${STACK_VPC} \ | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[] | select(.OutputKey=="VpcId").OutputValue' ) export STACK_CAGW=${CLUSTER_NAME}-cagw aws cloudformation create-stack \ --stack-name ${STACK_CAGW} \ --template-body file://$TEMPLATE_NAME_CARRIER_GW \ --parameters \ ParameterKey=VpcId,ParameterValue="${VPC_ID}" \ ParameterKey=ClusterName,ParameterValue="${CLUSTER_NAME}" aws cloudformation wait stack-create-complete --stack-name ${STACK_CAGW} aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_CAGW} # Extract Public Route Table ID from the Carrier Gateway stack export ROUTE_TABLE_PUB=$(aws --region $CLUSTER_REGION cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name ${STACK_CAGW} \ | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[] | select(.OutputKey=="PublicRouteTableId").OutputValue') # Extract Private Route Table ID from the Carrier Gateway stack #> Select the first route table from the list export ROUTE_TABLE_PVT=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name ${STACK_VPC} \ | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[] | select(.OutputKey=="PrivateRouteTableIds").OutputValue | split(",")[0] | split("=")[1]') # Create public and private subnet in Wavelength Zones export STACK_SUBNET=${CLUSTER_NAME}-subnets-${AZ_SUFFIX} aws cloudformation create-stack \ --stack-name ${STACK_SUBNET} \ --template-body file://$TEMPLATE_NAME_SUBNET \ --parameters \ ParameterKey=VpcId,ParameterValue="${VPC_ID}" \ ParameterKey=ClusterName,ParameterValue="${CLUSTER_NAME}" \ ParameterKey=ZoneName,ParameterValue="${AZ_NAME}" \ ParameterKey=PublicRouteTableId,ParameterValue="${ROUTE_TABLE_PUB}" \ ParameterKey=PublicSubnetCidr,ParameterValue="${SUBNET_CIDR_PUB}" \ ParameterKey=PrivateRouteTableId,ParameterValue="${ROUTE_TABLE_PVT}" \ ParameterKey=PrivateSubnetCidr,ParameterValue="${SUBNET_CIDR_PVT}" aws cloudformation wait stack-create-complete --stack-name ${STACK_SUBNET} aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_SUBNET}
BYO VPC with multi-subnets in same zone
Create multiple subnets in the same zone to isolate cluster resources into dedicated subnets, suchh as:
- Deploy API's and Ingress LBs in dedicated subnet in zone A
- Deploy Control Plane nodes into different subnet in zone A
TODO create AWS CloudFormation stack set to reuse AWS CloudFomration templates
BYO Public IPv4 Pool
The prerequisite step is to have a Public IPv4 pool onboarded to the AWS Account.
After it is provisioned, no additional steps is required by OpenShift cluster installation, other than setting the Public IPv4 Pool ID to the install-config.yaml.
See openshift-install parameter
See AWS documentation to "Bring your own IP addresses (BYOIP) to Amazon EC2".
TODO: There is no CloudFormation templates
Implemented by EPs: - - CORS
Check the CI step spiked/blocked in release PR 56960:
EXPIRATION_DATE=$(date -d '4 hours' --iso=minutes --utc)
echo "Creating Elastic IPs for each zone..."
# Create a new Elastic IP for each zones
for i in $(seq 0 $((zone_count - 1))); do
aws ec2 allocate-address \
--domain vpc \
--region "${AWS_REGION}" \
--tag-specifications "${RESOURCE_TAGS}" \
--public-ipv4-pool "${pool_id}" > /tmp/eip-"${i}".json
eip_allocation_ids=$(jq -r '.AllocationId' /tmp/eip-*.json | paste -sd "," -)
There is additional work on CAPA to fully support BYO EIP, take a look at the following references:
- CAPA spike to BYO EIP
- Installer Spike/PoC to BYO EIP for control plane components (API NLB, Bootstrap, and NAT GWs)
BYO Infra for private deployments
TODO/WIP Partial
Steps to create the infrastructure (VPC/network, Proxy and Bastion nodes, etc) for private deployments.
Check out the draft/notes ocp-aws-private-one-time-deploy.
Create the install-config.yaml
cat <<EOF > ${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.yaml
apiVersion: v1
publish: External
name: "${CLUSTER_NAME}"
pullSecret: '$(cat ${PULL_SECRET_PATH} | awk -v ORS= -v OFS= '{$1=$1}1')'
sshKey: |
Patch the configuration to BYO infra
Choose one or more adapting to your environment:
Config for BYO VPC in regular zones:
- Extracts to variable
the subnet IDs from CloudFormation stack for VPC (STACK_VPC
) - Creates the YAML patch file
- Patch the install-config.yaml
mapfile -t SUBNETS < <(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name "${STACK_VPC}" \ | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[0].OutputValue' | tr ',' '\n') mapfile -t -O "${#SUBNETS[@]}" SUBNETS < <(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name "${STACK_VPC}" \ | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[1].OutputValue' | tr ',' '\n') echo "Subnets (${#SUBNETS[@]}): ${SUBNETS[@]}" # Create the patch for install-config.yaml cat <<EOF > ${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.patch.yaml platform: aws: subnets: $(for SB in ${SUBNETS[*]}; do echo " - $SB"; done) EOF ${BIN_YQ} -i ". *= load(\"${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.patch.yaml\")" ${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.yaml grep -A 7 subnets ${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.yaml
BYO subnet on AWS Local Zones
Steps to patch install-config to BYO VPC extending to Local Zone subnet:
- Prerequisite: BYO VPC
- Extracts to variable
the subnet IDs from CloudFormation stack for VPC (STACK_VPC
) - Appends to variable
the subnet IDs from CloudFormation stack for Local Zone subnet (STACK_SUBNET
) - Creates the YAML patch file
- Patch the install-config.yaml
# Extract the subnet IDs from regular zones mapfile -t SUBNETS < <(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name "${STACK_VPC}" \ | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[0].OutputValue' | tr ',' '\n') mapfile -t -O "${#SUBNETS[@]}" SUBNETS < <(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name "${STACK_VPC}" \ | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[1].OutputValue' | tr ',' '\n') # Extracts the PublicSubnetId *or* PrivateSubnetId subnet ID to launch machines, depending of your use case. # This need to be repeated for each additional zones / cloudformation stacks. mapfile -t -O "${#SUBNETS[@]}" SUBNETS < <(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name "${STACK_SUBNET}" \ --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='PrivateSubnetId'].OutputValue" \ --output text) echo "Subnets (${#SUBNETS[@]}): ${SUBNETS[@]}" cat <<EOF > ${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.patch.yaml platform: aws: subnets: $(for SB in ${SUBNETS[*]}; do echo " - $SB"; done) EOF ${BIN_YQ} -i ". *= load(\"${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.patch.yaml\")" ${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.yaml grep -A 7 subnets ${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.yaml
BYO subnet on AWS Wavelentth Zones
Steps to patch install-config to BYO VPC extending to Local Zone subnet:
- Prerequisite: BYO VPC
- Extracts to variable
the subnet IDs from CloudFormation stack for VPC (STACK_VPC
) - Appends to variable
the subnet IDs from CloudFormation stack for Local Zone subnet (STACK_SUBNET
) - Creates the YAML patch file
- Patch the install-config.yaml
# Extract the subnet IDs from regular zones mapfile -t SUBNETS < <(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name "${STACK_VPC}" \ | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[0].OutputValue' | tr ',' '\n') mapfile -t -O "${#SUBNETS[@]}" SUBNETS < <(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name "${STACK_VPC}" \ | jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[1].OutputValue' | tr ',' '\n') # Extracts the PublicSubnetId *or* PrivateSubnetId subnet ID to launch machines, depending of your use case. # This need to be repeated for each additional zones / cloudformation stacks. mapfile -t -O "${#SUBNETS[@]}" SUBNETS < <(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name "${STACK_SUBNET}" \ --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='PrivateSubnetId'].OutputValue" \ --output text) echo "Subnets (${#SUBNETS[@]}): ${SUBNETS[@]}" cat <<EOF > ${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.patch.yaml platform: aws: subnets: $(for SB in ${SUBNETS[*]}; do echo " - $SB"; done) EOF ${BIN_YQ} -i ". *= load(\"${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.patch.yaml\")" ${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.yaml grep -A 7 subnets ${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.yaml
BYO VPC with multi-subnets in same zone
Patch install-config.yaml to use the new subnets API
proposed by EP #1634:
Ideally to reproduce in a fully private or fully public clusters to simulate two subnets in the same zone and scheme to distributed into LBs and Nodes
Deploying a cluster on single zone in existing VPC with multiple zones may reproduce the BUG of CCM choosing all subnets instead of enforcing what installer is instructed
SUBNET_ID_ZONE1A_PRIVATE=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
--stack-name "${STACK_VPC}" \
--query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='PrivateSubnetIds'].OutputValue" \
--output text | tr ',' '\n' | head -n1)
SUBNET_ID_ZONE1A_PUBLIC=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
--stack-name "${STACK_VPC}" \
--query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='PublicSubnetIds'].OutputValue" \
--output text | tr ',' '\n' | head -n1)
cat <<EOF > ${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.patch.yaml
- type: ClusterNode
- type: ControlPlaneInternalLB
- type: Bootstrap
- type: ControlPlaneExternalLB
- type: IngressControllerLB
${BIN_YQ} -i ". *= load(\"${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.patch.yaml\")" ${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.yaml
grep -A 7 subnets ${INSTALL_DIR}/install-config.yaml